crash.util.symbols module

The crash.util.symbols module provides a mechanism to simply discover and resolve symbols, types, minimal symbols, and values.

A typical use is declaring a DelayedCollection at the top of a module and using the DelayedCollection within the classes and functions that are a part of the module.

Each of the collections defined here are instantiated using a list of names that each collection type will resolve into a type, a symbol, a minimal symbol, etc. The names will by available as dictionary keys and also as attribute names. In the latter case, the names will be resolved into a form usable as an attribute name. See Types for more information.

class crash.util.symbols.CallbackCollection(cls: Type[crash.infra.lookup.NamedCallback], cbs: Union[List[Tuple[str, Callable]], Tuple[str, Callable]])[source]

Bases: object

class crash.util.symbols.DelayedCollection(cls: Type[crash.infra.lookup.DelayedValue], names: Union[List[str], str])[source]

Bases: object

A generic container for delayed lookups.

In addition to the get() method, the names are also accessible via attribute names (__getattr__) or dictionary keys (__getitem__).

  • cls – The type of DelayedValue to be collected
  • names – The names of all the symbols to be collected

A dictionary that maps the attribute names to the DelayedValue object associated with each one. While the __getattr__ and __getitem__ methods will return the contained object. This dictionary will contain the container object or the contained object if it has been overridden via override().

get(name: str) → Union[gdb.Type, gdb.Value, gdb.Symbol, gdb.MinSymbol, Any][source]

Obtain the object associated with name


name – The attribute name associated with the DelayedValue


The underlying object associated with this name.

Return type:


  • NameError – The name does not exist.
  • DelayedAttributeError – The name exists but the value has not been resolved yet.
override(name: str, value: Union[gdb.Type, gdb.Value, gdb.Symbol, gdb.MinSymbol, Any]) → None[source]

Override the DelayedValue stored in the collection

At times it may be required to override the value kept in the collection.

class crash.util.symbols.DelayedValues(names: Union[List[str], str])[source]

Bases: crash.util.symbols.DelayedCollection

A container to keep generic DelayedValue objects.

These will raise DelayedAttributeError until DelayedValue.callback() is called with a value to populate it.

The callback must be accessed via DelayedCollection.attrs or the DelayedValue object will be evaluated first, also raising DelayedAttributeError.


>>> from crash.util.symbols import DelayedValues
>>> dvals = DelayedValues(['generic_value', 'another_value'])
>>> dvals.attrs['generic_value'].callback(True)
>>> print(dvals.generic_value)
>>> print(dvals.another_value)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 4, in <module>
  File "./build/lib/crash/util/", line 107, in __getattr__
    return self.get(name)
  File "./build/lib/crash/util/", line 85, in get
    raise DelayedAttributeError(name)
crash.exceptions.DelayedAttributeError: Delayed attribute another_value has not been completed.
Parameters:names – The names to use for the DelayedValue objects.
class crash.util.symbols.MinimalSymbolCallbacks(cbs: Union[List[Tuple[str, Callable]], Tuple[str, Callable]])[source]

Bases: crash.util.symbols.CallbackCollection

class crash.util.symbols.MinimalSymbols(names: Union[List[str], str])[source]

Bases: crash.util.symbols.DelayedCollection

A container to resolve gdb.MinSymbol objects from the symbol table as they become available. Minimal symbols don’t have any type information associated with them so they are mostly used to resolve names to addresses.


>>> import gdb
>>> from crash.util.symbols import MinimalSymbols
>>> msymbols = MinimalSymbols(['modules', 'super_block'])
>>> print(msymbols.modules.type)
>>> print(msymbols['modules'])
>>> print(msymbols['modules'].value())
<data variable, no debug info>
>>> print(msymbols['modules'].value().address)
0xffffffff820ff030 <modules>
>>> print(type(msymbols['modules']))
<class 'gdb.MinSymbol'>
Parameters:names – A str or list of str containing the names of the minimal symbols to resolve.
class crash.util.symbols.MinimalSymvals(names: Union[List[str], str])[source]

Bases: crash.util.symbols.DelayedCollection

A container to resolve gdb.MinSymbol objects from the symbol table as they become available and uses the address of the values associated with them as the stored object. Minimal symbols don’t have any type information associated with them so they are mostly used to resolve names to addresses.


>>> import gdb
from crash.util.symbols import MinimalSymvals
>>> msymvals = MinimalSymvals(['modules', 'super_block'])
>>> print(f"{msymvals.modules:#x}")
>>> print(f"{msymvals['modules']:#x}")
>>> print(type(msymvals['modules']))
<class 'int'>
Parameters:names – A str or list of str containing the names of the minimal symbols to resolve.
class crash.util.symbols.SymbolCallbacks(cbs: Union[List[Tuple[str, Callable]], Tuple[str, Callable]])[source]

Bases: crash.util.symbols.CallbackCollection

class crash.util.symbols.Symbols(names: Union[List[str], str])[source]

Bases: crash.util.symbols.DelayedCollection

A container to resolve gdb.Symbol objects from the symbol table as they become available.


>>> from crash.util.symbols import Symvals
>>> symbols = Symbols(["modules", "super_blocks"])
>>> print(symbols.modules)
>>> print(symbols['modules'])
>>> print(symbols.modules.type)
<class 'gdb.Symbol'>
Parameters:names – A str or list of str containing the names of the symbols to resolve.
class crash.util.symbols.Symvals(names: Union[List[str], str])[source]

Bases: crash.util.symbols.DelayedCollection

A container to resolve gdb.Symbol objects from the symbol table as they become available and use the associated values as the stored object.


>>> from crash.util.symbols import Symvals
>>> symvals = Symvals(["modules", "super_blocks"])
>>> print(symvals.modules)
  next = 0xffffffffc0675208 <__this_module+8>,
  prev = 0xffffffffc00e8b48 <__this_module+8>
>>> print(symvals.modules.address)
0xffffffffab0ff030 <modules>
>>> print(symvals['modules'])
  next = 0xffffffffc0675208 <__this_module+8>,
  prev = 0xffffffffc00e8b48 <__this_module+8>
>>> print(symvals.modules.type)
<class 'gdb.Value'>
Parameters:names – A str or list of str containing the names of the symbols to resolve.
class crash.util.symbols.TypeCallbacks(cbs: Union[List[Tuple[str, Callable]], Tuple[str, Callable]])[source]

Bases: crash.util.symbols.CallbackCollection

class crash.util.symbols.Types(names: Union[List[str], str])[source]

Bases: crash.util.symbols.DelayedCollection

A container to resolve gdb.Type objects from the symbol table as they become available.


>>> from crash.util.symbols import Types
>>> types = Types(["struct foo", "struct foo *"])
>>> ex1 = types.foo_type
>>> ex2 = types.foo_p_type
>>> ex3 = types['foo_type']
>>> ex4 = types['struct foo']

See resolve_type() for details.

Parameters:names – A str or list of str containing the names of the types to resolve.
override(name: str, value: gdb.Type) → None[source]

Override the type value, resolving the type name first.

The real type name is used, not the attribute name.

>>> t = gdb.lookup_type('struct foo')
>>> types.override('struct foo', t)