Source code for

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from typing import Iterable, Tuple

from crash.util.symbols import Types
from crash.types.list import list_for_each_entry
from crash.cache.syscache import kernel, jiffies_to_msec

import gdb

[docs]class NoQueueError(RuntimeError): pass
types = Types(['struct request'])
[docs]def for_each_request_in_queue(queue: gdb.Value) -> Iterable[gdb.Value]: """ Iterates over each ``struct request`` in request_queue This method iterates over the ``request_queue``'s queuelist and returns a request for each member. Args: queue: The ``struct request_queue`` used to iterate. The value must be of type ``struct request_queue``. Yields: :obj:`gdb.Value`: Each ``struct request`` contained within the ``request_queue``'s queuelist. The value is of type ``struct request``. """ if int(queue) == 0: raise NoQueueError("Queue is NULL") return list_for_each_entry(queue['queue_head'], types.request_type, 'queuelist')
[docs]def request_age_ms(request: gdb.Value) -> int: """ Returns the age of the request in milliseconds This method returns the difference between the current time (``jiffies``) and the request's ``start_time``, in milliseconds. Args: request: The ``struct request`` used to determine age. The value is of type ``struct request``. Returns: :obj:`int`: Difference between the request's ``start_time`` and current ``jiffies`` in milliseconds. """ return jiffies_to_msec(kernel.jiffies - request['start_time'])
[docs]def requests_in_flight(queue: gdb.Value) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Report how many requests are in flight for this queue Args: queue: The request queue to inspect for requests in flight. The value must be of type ``struct request_queue``. Returns: (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`): The requests in flight. The first member of the 2-tuple is the number of read requests, the second is the number of write requests. """ return (int(queue['in_flight'][0]), int(queue['in_flight'][1]))