Source code for crash.subsystem.filesystem.btrfs

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import uuid

from crash.exceptions import InvalidArgumentError
from crash.util import decode_uuid, struct_has_member, container_of
from crash.util.symbols import Types
from crash.subsystem.filesystem import is_fstype_super

import gdb

types = Types(['struct btrfs_inode', 'struct btrfs_fs_info *',
               'struct btrfs_fs_info'])

[docs]def is_btrfs_super(super_block: gdb.Value) -> bool: """ Tests whether a ``struct super_block`` belongs to btrfs. Args: super_block: The ``struct super_block`` to test. The value must be of type ``struct super_block``. Returns: :obj:`bool`: Whether the super_block belongs to btrfs Raises: :obj:`gdb.NotAvailableError`: The target value was not available. """ return is_fstype_super(super_block, "btrfs")
[docs]def is_btrfs_inode(vfs_inode: gdb.Value) -> bool: """ Tests whether a inode belongs to btrfs. Args: vfs_inode: The ``struct inode`` to test. The value must be of type ``struct inode``. Returns: :obj:`bool`: Whether the inode belongs to btrfs Raises: :obj:`gdb.NotAvailableError`: The target value was not available. """ return is_btrfs_super(vfs_inode['i_sb'])
[docs]def btrfs_inode(vfs_inode: gdb.Value, force: bool = False) -> gdb.Value: """ Converts a VFS inode to a btrfs inode This method converts a ``struct inode`` to a ``struct btrfs_inode``. Args: vfs_inode: The ``struct inode`` to convert to a ``struct btrfs_inode``. The value must be of type ``struct inode``. force: Ignore type checking. Returns: :obj:`gdb.Value`: The converted ``struct btrfs_inode``. The value will be of type ``struct btrfs_inode``. Raises: :obj:`.InvalidArgumentError`: the inode does not belong to btrfs :obj:`gdb.NotAvailableError`: The target value was not available. """ if not force and not is_btrfs_inode(vfs_inode): raise InvalidArgumentError("inode does not belong to btrfs") return container_of(vfs_inode, types.btrfs_inode_type, 'vfs_inode')
[docs]def btrfs_fs_info(super_block: gdb.Value, force: bool = False) -> gdb.Value: """ Resolves a btrfs_fs_info from a VFS superblock This method resolves a struct btrfs_fs_info from a struct super_block Args: super_block: The ``struct super_block`` to use to resolve a' ``struct btrfs_fs_info``. A pointer to a ``struct super_block`` is also acceptable. force: Ignore type checking. Returns: :obj:`gdb.Value: The resolved ``struct btrfs_fs_info``. The value will be of type ``struct btrfs_fs_info``. Raises: :obj:`.InvalidArgumentError`: the super_block does not belong to btrfs :obj:`gdb.NotAvailableError`: The target value was not available. """ if not force and not is_btrfs_super(super_block): raise InvalidArgumentError("super_block does not belong to btrfs") fs_info = super_block['s_fs_info'].cast(types.btrfs_fs_info_p_type) return fs_info.dereference()
[docs]def btrfs_fsid(super_block: gdb.Value, force: bool = False) -> uuid.UUID: """ Returns the btrfs fsid (UUID) for the specified superblock. Args: super_block: The ``struct super_block`` for which to return the btrfs fsid. The value must be of type ``struct super_block``. force: Ignore type checking. Returns: :obj:`uuid.UUID`: The Python UUID Object for the btrfs fsid Raises: :obj:`.InvalidArgumentError`: the super_block does not belong to btrfs :obj:`gdb.NotAvailableError`: The target value was not available. """ fs_info = btrfs_fs_info(super_block, force) if struct_has_member(types.btrfs_fs_info_type, 'fsid'): return decode_uuid(fs_info['fsid']) return decode_uuid(fs_info['fs_devices']['fsid'])
[docs]def btrfs_metadata_uuid(sb: gdb.Value, force: bool = False) -> uuid.UUID: """ Returns the btrfs metadata uuid for the specified superblock. Args: super_block: The ``struct super_block`` for which to return the btrfs metadata uuid. The value must be of type ``struct super_block``. force: Ignore type checking. Returns: :obj:`uuid.UUID`: The Python UUID Object for the btrfs fsid Raises: :obj:`.InvalidArgumentError`: the super_block does not belong to btrfs :obj:`gdb.NotAvailableError`: The target value was not available. """ fs_info = btrfs_fs_info(sb, force) if struct_has_member(types.btrfs_fs_info_type, 'metadata_uuid'): return decode_uuid(fs_info['metadata_uuid']) if struct_has_member(fs_info['fs_devices'].type, 'metadata_uuid'): return decode_uuid(fs_info['fs_devices']['metadata_uuid']) return btrfs_fsid(sb, force)