Source code for

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Display help for crash commands


  help [command]


This command displays help text for crash commands.  When used alone,
it provides a list of commands.  When an argument is specified, the help
text for that command will be printed.

import argparse

from crash.commands import Command, CommandError, ArgumentParser

[docs]class HelpCommand(Command): """ this command""" def __init__(self) -> None: parser = ArgumentParser(prog="help") parser.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) super().__init__('help', parser)
[docs] def execute(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: if not args.args: print("Available commands:") for cmd in sorted(self._commands): summary = None doc = self._commands[cmd].__doc__ if doc: summary = doc.strip() if not summary: summary = "no help text provided" print("{:<15} - {}".format(cmd, summary)) else: for cmd in args.args: try: text = self._commands[cmd].format_help().strip() except KeyError: raise CommandError("No such command `{}'".format(cmd)) if text is None: print("No help text available.") else: print(text)