Source code for crash.types.list

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from typing import Iterator, Set

from crash.util import container_of
from crash.util.symbols import Types
from crash.exceptions import ArgumentTypeError, UnexpectedGDBTypeError

import gdb

[docs]class ListError(Exception): pass
[docs]class CorruptListError(ListError): pass
[docs]class ListCycleError(CorruptListError): pass
types = Types(['struct list_head'])
[docs]def list_for_each(list_head: gdb.Value, include_head: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, print_broken_links: bool = True, exact_cycles: bool = False) -> Iterator[gdb.Value]: """ Iterate over a list and yield each node Args: list_head: The list to iterate. The value must be of type ``struct list_head`` or ``struct list_head *``. include_head (optional): Include the head of the list in iteration - useful for lists with no anchors reverse (optional): Iterate the list in reverse order (follow the ``prev`` links) print_broken_links (optional): Print warnings about broken links exact_cycles (optional): Detect and raise an exception if a cycle is detected in the list Yields: gdb.Value: The next node in the list. The value is of type ``struct list_head``. Raises: :obj:`.CorruptListError`: the list is corrupted :obj:`.ListCycleError`: the list contains cycles :obj:`BufferError`: portions of the list cannot be read :obj:`gdb.NotAvailableError`: The target value is not available. """ pending_exception = None if not isinstance(list_head, gdb.Value): raise ArgumentTypeError('list_head', list_head, gdb.Value) if list_head.type == types.list_head_type.pointer(): list_head = list_head.dereference() elif list_head.type != types.list_head_type: raise UnexpectedGDBTypeError('list_head', list_head, types.list_head_type) if list_head.type is not types.list_head_type: types.override('struct list_head', list_head.type) fast = None if int(list_head.address) == 0: raise CorruptListError("list_head is NULL pointer.") next_ = 'next' prev_ = 'prev' if reverse: next_ = 'prev' prev_ = 'next' if exact_cycles: visited: Set[int] = set() if include_head: yield list_head.address try: nxt = list_head[next_] prev = list_head if int(nxt) == 0: raise CorruptListError("{} pointer is NULL".format(next_)) node = nxt.dereference() except gdb.error as e: raise BufferError("Failed to read list_head {:#x}: {}" .format(int(list_head.address), str(e))) while node.address != list_head.address: if exact_cycles: if int(node.address) in visited: raise ListCycleError("Cycle in list detected.") visited.add(int(node.address)) try: if int(prev.address) != int(node[prev_]): error = f"broken {prev_} link {int(prev.address):#x} " error += f"-{next_}-> {int(node.address):#x} " error += f"-{prev_}-> {int(node[prev_]):#x}" pending_exception = CorruptListError(error) if print_broken_links: print(error) # broken prev link means there might be a cycle that # does not include the initial head, so start detecting # cycles if not exact_cycles and fast is not None: fast = node nxt = node[next_] # only yield after trying to read something from the node, no # point in giving out bogus list elements yield node.address except gdb.error as e: raise BufferError("Failed to read list_head {:#x} in list {:#x}: {}" .format(int(node.address), int(list_head.address), str(e))) try: if fast is not None: # are we detecting cycles? advance fast 2 times and compare # each with our current node (Floyd's Tortoise and Hare # algorithm) for i in range(2): # pylint: disable=unused-variable fast = fast[next_].dereference() if node.address == fast.address: raise ListCycleError("Cycle in list detected.") except gdb.error: # we hit an unreadable element, so just stop detecting cycles # and the slow iterator will hit it as well fast = None prev = node if int(nxt) == 0: raise CorruptListError("{} -> {} pointer is NULL" .format(node.address, next_)) node = nxt.dereference() if pending_exception is not None: # The pylint error seems to think we'll raise None here raise pending_exception # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type
[docs]def list_for_each_entry(list_head: gdb.Value, gdbtype: gdb.Type, member: str, include_head: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, print_broken_links: bool = True, exact_cycles: bool = False) -> Iterator[gdb.Value]: """ Iterate over a list and yield each node's containing object Args: list_head: The list to iterate. The value must be of type ``struct list_head`` or ``struct list_head *``. gdbtype: The type of the containing object member: The name of the member in the containing object that corresponds to the list_head include_head (optional): Include the head of the list in iteration - useful for lists with no anchors reverse (optional): Iterate the list in reverse order (follow the prev links) print_broken_links (optional): Print warnings about broken links exact_cycles (optional): Detect and raise an exception if a cycle is detected in the list Yields: gdb.Value: The next node in the list. The value is of the specified type. Raises: :obj:`.CorruptListError`: the list is corrupted :obj:`.ListCycleError`: the list contains cycles :obj:`BufferError`: portions of the list cannot be read :obj:`gdb.NotAvailableError`: The target value is not available. """ for node in list_for_each(list_head, include_head=include_head, reverse=reverse, print_broken_links=print_broken_links, exact_cycles=exact_cycles): yield container_of(node, gdbtype, member)
[docs]def list_empty(list_head: gdb.Value) -> bool: """ Test whether a list is empty Args: list_head: The list to test. The value must be of type ``struct list_head`` or ``struct list_head *``. Returns: :obj:`bool`: Whether the list is empty. Raises: :obj:`gdb.NotAvailableError`: The target value is not available. """ addr = int(list_head.address) if list_head.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: addr = int(list_head) return addr == int(list_head['next'])