Source code for crash.commands.dmesg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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Display system message buffer


  log [-tdm]
  dmesg [-tdm]


This command dumps the kernel ``log_buf`` contents in chronological order.
The command supports the older log_buf formats, which may or may not contain a
timestamp inserted prior to each message, as well as the newer variable-length
record format, where the timestamp is contained in each log entry's header.

  -t  Display the message text without the timestamp.
  -d  Display the dictionary of key/value pair properties that are
      optionally appended to a message by the kernel's dev_printk()
      function; only applicable to the variable-length record format.
  -m  Display the message log level in brackets preceding each message.
      For the variable-length record format, the level will be displayed
      in hexadecimal, and depending upon the kernel version, also contains
      the facility or flags bits.


Dump the kernel message buffer:


  py-crash> log
  Linux version 2.2.5-15smp (root@mclinux1) (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990
  314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)) #1 SMP Thu Aug 26 11:04:37 EDT 1999
  Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
      Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
  OEM ID: DELL     Product ID: WS 410       APIC at: 0xFEE00000
  Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
  Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
  I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC00000.
  Processors: 2
  mapped APIC to ffffe000 (fee00000)
  mapped IOAPIC to ffffd000 (fec00000)
  Detected 447696347 Hz processor.
  Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
  Calibrating delay loop... 445.64 BogoMIPS
    8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/Autonegotiate interface.
    MII transceiver found at address 24, status 782d.
    Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.
  Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996
  nfsd_init: initialized fhcache, entries=256

Do the same thing, but also show the log level preceding each message:


  py-crash> log -m
  <4>Linux version 2.2.5-15smp (root@mclinux1) (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990
  314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)) #1 SMP Thu Aug 26 11:04:37 EDT 1999
  <4>Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
  <4>    Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
  <4>OEM ID: DELL     Product ID: WS 410       APIC at: 0xFEE00000
  <4>Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
  <4>Processor #1 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
  <4>I/O APIC #2 Version 17 at 0xFEC00000.
  <4>Processors: 2
  <4>mapped APIC to ffffe000 (fee00000)
  <4>mapped IOAPIC to ffffd000 (fec00000)
  <4>Detected 447696347 Hz processor.
  <4>Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
  <4>Calibrating delay loop... 445.64 BogoMIPS
  <6>  8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/Autonegotiate interface.
  <6>  MII transceiver found at address 24, status 782d.
  <6>  Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.
  <6>Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996
  <7>nfsd_init: initialized fhcache, entries=256

On a system with the variable-length record format, and whose log_buf has been
filled and wrapped around, display the log with timestamp data:


  py-crash> log
  [    0.467730] pci 0000:ff:02.0: [8086:2c10] type 00 class 0x060000
  [    0.467749] pci 0000:ff:02.1: [8086:2c11] type 00 class 0x060000
  [    0.467769] pci 0000:ff:02.4: [8086:2c14] type 00 class 0x060000
  [    0.467788] pci 0000:ff:02.5: [8086:2c15] type 00 class 0x060000
  [    0.467809] pci 0000:ff:03.0: [8086:2c18] type 00 class 0x060000
  [    0.467828] pci 0000:ff:03.1: [8086:2c19] type 00 class 0x060000

Display the same message text as above, without the timestamp data:


  py-crash> log -t
  pci 0000:ff:02.0: [8086:2c10] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:02.1: [8086:2c11] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:02.4: [8086:2c14] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:02.5: [8086:2c15] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:03.0: [8086:2c18] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:03.1: [8086:2c19] type 00 class 0x060000

Display the same message text as above, with appended dictionary data:


  py-crash> log -td
  pci 0000:ff:02.0: [8086:2c10] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:02.1: [8086:2c11] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:02.4: [8086:2c14] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:02.5: [8086:2c15] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:03.0: [8086:2c18] type 00 class 0x060000
  pci 0000:ff:03.1: [8086:2c19] type 00 class 0x060000

from typing import Dict, Iterable, Any

import re
import argparse

from crash.commands import Command, ArgumentParser, CommandError
from crash.exceptions import DelayedAttributeError
from crash.util.symbols import Types, Symvals

import gdb

types = Types(['struct printk_log *', 'char *'])
symvals = Symvals(['log_buf', 'log_buf_len', 'log_first_idx', 'log_next_idx',
                   'clear_seq', 'log_first_seq', 'log_next_seq'])

[docs]class LogTypeException(Exception): pass
[docs]class LogInvalidOption(Exception): pass
[docs]class LogCommand(Command): """dump system message buffer""" def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: parser = ArgumentParser(prog=name) parser.add_argument('-t', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-m', action='store_true', default=False) Command.__init__(self, name, parser)
[docs] @classmethod def filter_unstructured_log(cls, log: str, args: argparse.Namespace) -> str: lines = log.split('\n') if not args.m: newlog = [] for line in lines: if not args.m: line = re.sub(r'^<[0-9]+>', '', line) if args.t: line = re.sub(r'^\[[0-9\. ]+\] ', '', line) newlog.append(line) lines = newlog return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def log_from_idx(self, logbuf: gdb.Value, idx: int, dict_needed: bool = False) -> Dict: msg = (logbuf + idx).cast(types.printk_log_p_type) try: textval = (msg.cast(types.char_p_type) + text = textval.string(length=int(msg['text_len'])) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: print(e) msglen = int(msg['len']) # A zero-length message means we wrap back to the beginning if msglen == 0: nextidx = 0 else: nextidx = idx + msglen textlen = int(msg['text_len']) msgdict = { 'text' : text[0:textlen], 'timestamp' : int(msg['ts_nsec']), 'level' : int(msg['level']), 'next' : nextidx, 'dict' : [], } if dict_needed: dict_len = int(msg['dict_len']) d = (msg.cast(types.char_p_type) + + textlen) if dict_len > 0: s = d.string('ascii', 'backslashreplace', dict_len) msgdict['dict'].append(s) return msgdict
[docs] def get_log_msgs(self, dict_needed: bool = False) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: try: idx = symvals.log_first_idx except DelayedAttributeError: raise LogTypeException('not structured log') if symvals.clear_seq < symvals.log_first_seq: # mypy seems to think the preceding clear_seq is fine but this # one isn't. Derp. symvals.clear_seq = symvals.log_first_seq # type: ignore seq = symvals.clear_seq idx = symvals.log_first_idx while seq < symvals.log_next_seq: msg = self.log_from_idx(symvals.log_buf, idx, dict_needed) seq += 1 idx = msg['next'] yield msg
[docs] def handle_structured_log(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: for msg in self.get_log_msgs(args.d): timestamp = '' if not args.t: usecs = int(msg['timestamp']) timestamp = ('[{:5d}.{:06d}] ' .format(usecs // 1000000000, (usecs % 1000000000) // 1000)) level = '' if args.m: level = '<{:d}>'.format(msg['level']) for line in msg['text'].split('\n'): print('{}{}{}'.format(level, timestamp, line)) for d in msg['dict']: print(d)
[docs] def handle_logbuf(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: if symvals.log_buf_len and symvals.log_buf: if args.d: raise LogInvalidOption("Unstructured logs don't offer key/value pair support") print(self.filter_unstructured_log(symvals.log_buf.string('utf-8', 'replace'), args))
[docs] def execute(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: try: self.handle_structured_log(args) return except LogTypeException: pass try: self.handle_logbuf(args) return except LogTypeException: pass except LogInvalidOption as lio: raise CommandError(str(lio)) print("Can't find valid log") print(args)
LogCommand('log') LogCommand('dmesg')